Meet Team Switchboard – Jane Panasiuk, Communications Assistant
By Meet Team Switchboard – Jane Panasiuk, Communications Assistant
August 26, 2021

Team Switchboard is made up of an incredible group of individuals who get it done. We’re excited for you to meet our fantastic team. Today, we’re featuring Jane Panasiuk, our stellar communications assistant.
Tell our audience a little about yourself…
I am from just outside Toronto, ON, and now live in Calgary, Alberta. I love spending time outdoors and am passionate about health and fitness. I graduated in 2020 with a B.A. from Carleton University and even more recently, I completed a Graduate Certificate in Project Management from Sheridan College. These academic achievements are a combination of three of my favourite things: positive change, effective communication, and organization!
What do you look forward to most about working at Switchboard?
Short answer, everything!
Being in a fast-paced environment with highly motivated people is the kind of setting I thrive in. It drives me to learn more, work harder and go the extra mile. I am also very excited to be working with the rest of the Switchboard team, there is so much I can learn from all of them!
What motivates you to work hard?
My team. Showing up, working hard, and helping my team succeed are what make me want to get the job done. In my mind, there is nothing more satisfying than the feeling you get when you know you helped your team succeed.
What’s your favourite book?
I just started reading The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben. I am only a short way in but have already learned so much and am very intrigued by the interconnectedness and complexity of trees (and nature in general). I think there’s a lot we can learn from the natural world.
Tell us three interesting facts about yourself…
- My entire immediate family (unintentionally) has the initials J.P. (Jim, Julie, Jenn, Joslyn, Jane, Jack, Jill, Jasmine).
- I have been watching The Office on repeat for the last 5 years.
- I ate termites in the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest. Fun fact that I learned there, they can taste like mint or carrots depending on what wood they have been eating. Mine tasted like mint!
If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
Easy, pizza. As for the ‘why’, my response is ‘why not?’
If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
My perfect day would be spent in Honey Harbour, Georgian Bay. I would start the day with an early morning trip to the (only) local coffee shop, followed by a day-trip boat ride with my family, ending with a lakeside viewing of the sunset, a fire and a cup of tea.