Welcoming Bruce Claggett to Team Switchboard
By Welcoming Bruce Claggett to Team Switchboard
September 28, 2021

Dear Switchboard clients, partners, community, friends, and family
If you’ve already heard that Switchboard has hired a new Managing Director, I want you to know that I’ve never been more excited to introduce a team member.
Why am I so thrilled to bring Bruce Claggett on board? For one thing, the 30-year news radio veteran has a VAST amount of experience and expertise in managing diverse, dynamic and fast-growing teams and networks like those we have at Switchboard. For another, Bruce’s arrival allows me to transition to the role of Chief Communications Officer. Now, I’m able to focus even more keenly on what I love most: working directly with clients to find ways for them to grow, scale and innovate. Talk about playing to our strengths!
As the long-time managing editor of Vancouver’s NEWS 1130, Bruce led a team of reporters, anchors, writers, and web and social media specialists with both the skill and urgency needed to fan the flames of media attention. At any given time he researched and assigned breaking stories, led editorial meetings, handled content, branding and legal issues, conducted performance reviews, hired and scheduled staff…honestly, with juggling skills like his, Bruce could be on stage with Cirque du Soleil! In short, he is exactly the kind of expert Switchboard needs to optimize our already high service standards while continuing our steep growth trajectory.
Even in his spare time Bruce is a multitasking machine. An avid ham radio operator famous for his enthusiasm and energy, he has also served as a journalism instructor with the BC Institute of Technology, where he mentored and connected with the next generation of trailblazers, disruptors and influencers.
If there’s a recipe for the “Ultimate Managing Director” at Switchboard, it would include equal parts energy, experience, creativity and diligence. And the photo accompanying that recipe would be of Bruce! Please join me in welcoming him to our team.
Founder & Chief Communications Officer