Felix’s Fabulous Fundraiser
By Felix’s Fabulous Fundraiser
June 24, 2015

This week’s blog post is a personal story about Kathleen’s little brother (step-brother if you want to get technical but it’s not a lovely word for a relationship), nine-year-old Felix Douglas. If you’ve meet Felix, you know he is full of personality and loves to entertain. He also has a BIG heart.
On Wednesday, June 24, Felix is going to shave his head for cancer. This isn’t the first time Felix has shaved his head for cancer. His mother, Sally Douglas, was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2013 and began treatment including chemotherapy. At just seven years old, Felix shaved his head so that his mother “wouldn’t feel alone.” He has been growing it out ever since.
Felix was originally inspired by his older step-brother, Nick Rutledge, who had been growing his hair in memory of his father who lost his battle with cancer. The family connection between Nick and Felix is a bit tricky to understand (Sally is the ex-wife of Nick’s step-father). When Nick heard that his step-brother’s mum was losing her hair to chemotherapy, he immediately offered his hair to help make her wig. Nick’s generosity inspired three more individuals to get involved; including myself, Sally’s colleague Megan Mahoney, and family friend Christina Dumont who stepped up to the plate and donated their hair for her wig. In fact, Felix has a large blended family (with six brothers and two sisters) and the whole gang rallied around Sally during her journey with cancer.
“Cancer has an uncanny way of shining a bright light on the love and beauty that is all around,” says Sally, now healthy. “I was lifted up by kindness, generosity and love throughout my treatment, often from the most unexpected places.”
I think it was beautiful to watch Sally’s community rally around her. Her girlfriends, her boy’s friends, family friend and complete strangers. We have a big, crazy, blended family and everyone came together to offer their support. I am very proud of Felix, he made a goal and is sticking to it.
Felix has raised over $5,000 dollars, which will benefit the BC Cancer Foundation. Both Felix and his cousin, Claire Lester, will cut and donate their hair to Wigs for Kids. The event will take place on Wednesday at the family home. We’ll be posting photos on Instagram and Twitter so follow along @Switchboard_PR. If you’re interesting in covering the story or learning more, please contact me by email (kreid@switchboardpr.com).
Media Converage
Kaldor Blog – Felix’s Fabulous Fundraiser
VancityBuzz – 9-year-old boy grows hair out for two years for cancer fundraiser
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